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Fotógrafo profesional residente de la Ciudad de México. Especialista en aventura, documentales y deportes de acción. Viajando con una cámara desde el 2012, Edgar tiene una vida atlética, practicante del ciclismo de montaña, senderismo, buceo y apnea. Su trabajo le ha ofrecido muchas oportunidades para colaborar con marcas como North Face, Monster Energy, Trek Bicycle, Runner's World, Mazda, Men's Health y muchas otrás marcas que comparten la misma visión por la aventura.

Full time photographer & filmmaker based in Mexico City, specializing in adventure, documentary and action media.Traveling with a camera since 2012, Edgar has an athletic lifestyle with mountain biking, trekking, scuba diving and apnea practices. His work has earned him opportunities to collaborate with The North Face, Monster Energy, Trek Bicycle, Runner's World, Mazda, Men's Health and many other companies that shared the same vision towards adventure.

Trabajemos juntos/ Lets work together

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